The Lord's domain is the domain of the pure Soul (Shuddhatma) where nothing is displaced. No distress arises.Whether one gets a fever, whether the body is about to die, or even if the body is going to live, nothing wavers within. There is no dakhal (effects of interference done by the ego in the unfolding karma) whatsoever. What has the Self got to lose? If anything is going to be lost, it will be that of the neighbor!
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanThe Gnani Purush simply makes the separation in one’s vision: ‘This is the vision of the Soul, the real Self’ and ‘this is the vision of the worldly self’. Otherwise a person can never make this change in his vision. One’s vision of ‘I am Chandubhai’ (vikalpi drashti) will never become the vision of ‘I am the Pure Soul’ (nirvikalpi drashti).
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanSeeing the Pure Soul (Shuddhatma) in everyone is itself an intent of friendship towards the entire world.
Param Pujya Dada BhagwanWhen will desires come to an end? It is when one becomes the pure Soul (Shuddhatma)! This [worldly life] is an ocean of desires. When one desire ends, the next one begins!
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